Now we dive into Daniel's prophetic dreams beginning with Daniel chapter 7. Pastor Duddley Francois walks us through the meaning of the beasts and answers the questions "how should we feel about the judgement?"
Study Guide
A Journey Through the Books of Daniel & Revelation
Part 4: Daniel Chapter 7
- God’s response to the attack against His kingdom. Daniel’s vision of four beasts are compared to what vision in the book of Daniel? Explain the connection.
- The climax of the four beasts is the presence of the little horn. Why is the little horn a threat to God’s kingdom? How is it different from the kingdoms before it?
- Daniel’s central theme of his vision is:
- The judgment of the little horn
- The violence of the four beasts
- The pompous words of the little horn
- The salvation of mankind
- Is there a power today that resembles the little horn? What is it and why?
- Is the judgment of verse 21-22 meant to judge people or kingdoms?
- What do the “clouds of heaven” refer to in verse 13? How is that significant toward the judgment?
- Both Daniel 2 and 7 have compared several kingdoms to themselves. What is the notable difference between the kingdoms of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7.