As a congregation that has been renting our space from an old academy MyGeneration Church has dreamed for years of having our own place to worship. This year we even stepped out in faith and formed a committee to search for a place we could call our own in a more accessible part of New York City with a community we could serve.
We are pleased to announce that after much toil and guidance from God we have finally secured our own space in Harlem!
The new location is a storefront property in one of the busiest parts of Harlem. It has very large windows so that all who pass by will be able to witness us worshiping. Not only does it feature a main space large enough to hold all of our members during service, it also includes a basement level with rooms we plan to turn into a children's zone and a dining/kitchen area.

We are so excited for this new step in our growth! And while this is very exciting we are also faced with the face that this is going to require a lot of work and support from our leaders, members and faithful followers.
We will continue worshiping in our current location until renovations are completed.
God has been so faithful in providing the means for us to afford this big move, but we still need your help to accomplish the renovation. As you can see, from the renderings we've created, we have a vision to transform the space into a modern place of worship. In order to accomplish this we will be working throughout the coming weeks getting this place ready before our move.
If you want to contribute some elbow grease fill out this form to let us know you'd like to help, including your contact information and what days and times you are available. If you are able to contribute financially to our efforts please donate to our building fund via any of our available giving methods on the Giving page.