The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real by Ebonie Jones

Poverty, crime, nuclear meltdown, global warming, unemployment and over-population are just a few items on the list of 21 Century problems. In addition to these issues, we also have to deal with the stressors that come with simply being alive. Stressors such as bills, relationships, illness, death, and temptations that seem impossible to escape. To say that life is difficult is an understatement. It’s brutal. Sometimes life feels more like warfare than a mere struggle.


Addicted by Ebonie Jones

Do life big! By the world’s standards, this means making as much money as possible, obtaining as much material possessions as possible, landing the coveted corner office and, of course, living in the best house, in the best neighborhood. Although none of these achievements are inherently bad, when we’re defined by the world’s standards, we all fall short. Why? Because humans are insatiable and the things of the world are addictive.